Alder Hey Demolition
MDG are to commence the final phase of the demolition of the old Alder Hey Children’s Hospital site in August this year, with only three newer buildings of the original 32,000m² of Estate buildings remaining.
MDG were appointed in January 2016 by Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to Project manage the demolition of their former 10½ Hectare Victorian Hospital Estate buildings after the opening of their new PFI hospital.
The contract was traditionally tendered using a shortlist of Northwest NFDC Contractors with Beech Group Ltd (Demolition) being successful.
MDG procured bat roost surveys, local authority permissions and asbestos R&D surveys and extensive asbestos removal was required as part of the contract.
Phase 1 & 2 demolitions began on site in January 2017 and were completed in May 2018 and after a demolition pause, Phase 3 demolitions restarted in August 2019 and were completed in October 2020.
The majority of the cleared site is to be handed back to Liverpool City Council as part of their land swap deal with Springfield Park, (Photo at completion of Phases 1 & 2, though further buildings have been demolished in Phase 3)
The decommissioning and demolition of the retained Estate buildings has had to be progressive as new build Trust buildings have been completed, allowing decant operations to take place.
Complex services isolations, reprovision and diversions also took place and MDG have assisted the Trust in tendering for these additional works providing PM and Architectural services for all the above tasks.
The majority of the cleared site is being handed back to Liverpool City Council in a land swap agreement for Springfield Park.
MDG have submitted the appropriate Planning applications for these works and have supervised the re-profiling of the site for the new landscaped parkland.
The remainder of the site perimeter will have additional healthcare buildings and residential development.